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Weekly Company Update Newsletter
First of all thank you for using our site. We have been maintaining our database for over ten years now, and through that time our visitors have consistently told us how much value we provide to them, specifically in the sales, marketing and business development world.

Many visitors are content to look around BioPharmGuy periodically to see what companies we have added since they last visited. If that's you, feel free to carry on.

If, however, you would prefer to be notified of, and presented with all the new companies we add every week, we have launched of our first subscription-based newsletter that you may find useful.

This newsletter will go out weekly* and includes a link to a unique spreadsheet listing all the companies we have added in the past week as well as the companies we have removed and why. Deliverable info will include the same information you currently see on the BioPharmGuy website - Company Name, Website Link, City, State, Business Description & Notations indicating which business categories each company falls under.

Here is an example spreadsheet.

We offer monthly and annual subscriptions. We also have a weekly option if you would like a trial period. Prices are as follows:
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Annually
  • $2.99
  • $9.99
  • $99

We use MailChimp to send our newsletter and Campaignzee to manage newsletter subscriptions.

If you have any questions/issues, please us or send a message through the contact us link.

There will be weeks where we are focusing on other tasks and not many additions and removals will happen. Please keep that in mind.

*Twice per year there will be no Weekly Update. Typically March and July. Weekly/Monthly subscribers will have their subscriptions extended for any unsent Weekly Update.